HDC-19 Support

If you have any questions that the website does not answer, please feel free to contact us. You can reach us from Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.


The HDC-19 is easy to use. Commissioning takes only a few seconds. Thanks to the built-in battery, you can use the HDC-19 device without tangled cables and even in places without a socket.

Click on the play button to start the commissioning video.


Questions About Using the HDC-19 Disinfection System

Where can the HDC-19 be used?

To have sufficient effect, the disinfectant mist must reach a certain concentration in the air. Therefore, the HDC-19 cannot be used effectively outdoors.

The device is thus suitable for disinfection in enclosed spaces and vehicles.

Do I need an in-person instruction for the HDC-19 system?

No, the operation is very easy. You will receive a video instruction and a written instruction manual with the device.

How does the process of disinfection work?

No person or food may be present in the room during disinfection.

  1. Close all windows and doors.
  2. Put on the mouth/nose and eye protection, start the device and use the timer to set the desired duration of use.
  3. Leave the room for the duration of use and the intended duration of exposure. The easiest way to decide about the duration of exposure is to set the exposure time equal to the application time. This means that if you let the HDC-19 nebulize for fifteen minutes, wait another fifteen minutes until you enter the room again.
  4. Enter the room (again with respiratory mask and eye protection), open the windows and ventilate thoroughly for a few minutes. After that, the room can be considered clinically pure. All germs have been eliminated.

After application, the HDC-19 Power Liquid breaks down very quickly into the completely harmless substances water vapor and oxygen. So the room can be used immediately after the ventilation again completely normal.

For what room size is the HDC-19 suitable?

In order to achieve the desired ”density’’ of the disinfectant on all surfaces, the HDC must fog for longer in larger rooms than in smaller ones. After misting, the disinfectant takes some time to work on the surface and destroy the microbes. Target dose: 3-11mg/l on all surfaces

How long does a room have to be nebulized?

In order to achieve the desired “density” of the disinfectant on all surfaces, the HDC must fog for longer in larger rooms than in small rooms. After fogging, the disinfectant needs some time to act on the surfaces and destroy the microbes.

Target dose : 3 -11mg/l on all surfaces

Small rooms up to 5m³
Recommended duration of use: 5 minutes
Duration before ventilation: 5 minutes

Medium rooms up to 120m³ (ca. 40m²)
Recommended duration of use: 10 minutes
Duration before ventilation: 10 minutes

Large rooms up to 300m³
Recommended duration of use: 45 minutes
Duration before ventilation: 30-45 minutes

Can I stay in the room while the device is running?

No, after switching it on, you should leave the room. In high concentrations, the active disinfection fog causes irritation to the eyes and respiratory tract.

The HDC-19 works unattended and switches off automatically with the timer function.

Questions About the HDC-19 Device

Does the HDC-19 work without power connection?

Yes, it is powered by an integrated battery.

How long can the HDC-19 run with a single battery charge?

A battery charge lasts for approximately six hours.

Are there any running costs (other than the purchase price or lease rate)?

The only consequential costs are the consumption of the disinfectant and electricity for charging the battery.

How much disinfectant is used?

Consumption is about 0,5 liters of HDC Super Liquid per hour. Therefore, a 5 Litre can is enough for approx. 10 hours.

Questions About the HDC Super Liquid

Is the disinfectant harmful to health?

In high concentration yes, because it has the purpose to kill microbes. Therefore, you need to take into account simple protective measures.

Wear a respirator, eye protection and gloves when working with the disinfectant (when mixing or filling the HDC-19 and when switching on the unit). Of course you must not drink it, and contact with eyes and nose must be avoided.

After application, the HDC Super Liquid decays very quickly into the completely harmless substances water vapor and oxygen. Therefore, after ventilation, the rooms are completely free of residues or odors.

Do I have to protect food from contact with the disinfectant?

Yes, there must be no open food in the room during disinfection.

Are indoor plants damaged by the mist?

No. Plants may remain in the room during disinfection.

If I have an aquarium, does the fog have harmful effect on the water?

No, there is no negative effect on the aquarium.

Can the disinfectant fog damage my facility?

No, the fog is very fine and leaves no traces of furniture or equipment.

Can the fog cause short circuits in electrical devices?

No, the fog is much too fine and does not lead to wetness in the appliances or sockets.

Does the disinfectant fog smell?

The HDC Super Liquid is odor-free. In increase concentration, however, the remedy causes irritation in the eyes and respiratory tract. Therefore, you should not enter the room during disinfecting or only enter with protective equipment / respiratory mask.

How should the disinfectant be stored?

It is best to store HDC Super Liquid in a light-protected and cool place between 10 and 25 degrees Celsius.

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